
Liquid Restaking made
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Securing EigenLayer and Symbiotic


Restake Anywhere

Experience the power of Renzo by exploring the wide range of integrated chains and dApps. Discover new possibilities and unlock the potential of decentralized applications with Renzo.

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The power of liquid restaking

Renzo makes Ethereum restaking liquid and accessible to everyone

renzo protocol power power of liquid restaking

Deposit Anywhere

Restake from your favorite Ethereum Rollup

Automated Restaking Strategies

Renzo's decentralized portfolio manager rebalances for the optimal risk-reward strategies

Auto-Compounding Rewards

Passively capture staking and restaking rewards

Liquid Restaking

Get liquid with Renzo across your favorite DeFi projects

Security First

Protected and Verified

Trust Renzo's robust security framework made of institutional grade node operators and the top tier security partners

Institutional Grade Node Operators

Secured by the same operators that institutions trust

Open Sourced

Renzo is fully open-sourced for transparency and innovation

Renzo Protocol Security Partners


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Backed by leading funds driving innovation and growth

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